-The Italian firm order confirmation . Consequently accept return of products only if construction problems . We provide full service to all its products DonnaOro according to the price list . The guarantee manufacturing excellence products DonnaOro valid for one year and must be accompanied by the document retail market .
-The company Rauschmayer guarantees the workmanship of its products and provide after sales service lifetime , according to the list prices .
Cameo Italiano:
-The company Cameo Italiano guarantees the workmanship of its products and provide service for all the problems that arise during the use of its products according to the price list . Replaces products manufacturing problem.
-The Italian company guarantees for manufacturing excellence of its products and replaces UomOro products are manufactured problem.
-The company INK guarantees replacement product if manufacturing error .
-The Intergold SA provides warranty replacement product if construction impropriety . While providing service after the sale holding the corresponding pricelist .
Products Intergold:
-The Intergold SA guarantees the workmanship of its products while providing service to its products after the sale depending on the price list of Greek manufacturers .